I know, I know. Other children also have large dogs. Really big. And some of them are red dogs. But they do not compare to my dog, Clifford. My dog is bright red and is the largest dog in the world.
To be clear: Clifford is bigger than a house. When we play hide and seek, I always find him, because he simply has no way to hide. When we go camping, it takes the place of my tent. He also has some pretty nasty habits: he overthrows cops, sometimes catches cars, scares lions from the zoo…Continue reading ““Clifford: The Big Red Dog: board book”, by Norman Bridwell”→
Thidwick is a very gentle and kind moose. When asked for giving a place to stay on his antlers, he cannot say no, because it’s not polite to refuse. The situation becomes embarrassing when the first hosted creature invites other creatures, one after the other. A spider, some woodpeckers, a squirrel family, a bobcat, a turtle. The hospitable Thidwick is deserted by his friends when he cannot get rid of this company, because a host must be nice to his guests, isn’t it?… Furthermore, the creatures decide, by voting against him, that he cannot go across the lake for eating moose-moss along with his friends, because he has no right to take their home so far. Even worse, they ask in some more creatures to join them: a fox, some mice, fleas, a big bear and a swarm of bees!Continue reading ““Thidwick, the Big-Hearted Moose”, by Dr. Seuss”→
Nine orphans, the only inhabitants of a fairytale island, where everything is perfect: from the sunrise and sunset, the fruits of the trees, the wind that supports them in the air above the rocks, to the venomous snakes that do not bite and lay down quietly in the sun.
Once a year, a boat without a boatman brings a small child. According to tradition, the oldest of the orphans must leave in his place by boat, disappearing forever. The rules are strict and respected, because the children know that any violation of them can destroy the island.
But what happens when the eldest of the orphans revolts, does not want to leave, endangering everyone else? Is the island an enchanted place or an illusion of children?… Read the book to find out the outcome of the story!
Nouă orfani, singurii locuitori ai unei insule de basm, unde toate lucrurile sunt perfecte: de la răsăritul și apusul soarelui, fructele din copaci, vântul ce îi susține în aer deasupra stâncilor, până la șerpii veninoși ce nu mușcă și se tolănesc cuminți la soare.
O dată pe an, o barcă fără vâslaș aduce un copil mic. Potrivit tradiției, cel mai în vârstă dintre orfani trebuie să plece cu barca în locul lui, dispărând pentru totdeauna. Regulile sunt stricte, iar copiii le respectă pentru că știu că orice încălcare a lor poate distruge insula.
Ce se întâmplă însă atunci când cel mai mare dintre orfani se revoltă, nu vrea să plece, punându-i în pericol pe toți ceilalți? Este insula un loc fermecat sau o iluzie a copiilor?… Citiți cartea pentru a afla deznodământul poveștii!
Keith and his parents are staying at the Mountain View Inn, in California, in room 215. The mother, a perfect housewife who loves cleaning, is sure they will find… mice! But Keith does not look scared. Moreover, he has a super toy motorcycle bought from his own savings. He doesn’t even imagine that he is not the only one who has a passion for it – a little spy saw it in the hotel room and from that moment the idea of driving it came to him. Who could he be? Continue reading ““The Mouse and the Motorcycle”, by Beverly Cleary”→
What could be more tempting for Alfie, the young alligator, than a cookie? Hmm… Two cookies?
But how to get your mother to give them to you may be a big problem. Getting dressed as a cookie inspector, hanging them with a fishing rod, drawing them on paper do not lead to the expected result. You can find out the solution found by Alfie to get a freshly baked cookie if you read the book, which awaits you to borrow it at the American Corner Cluj-Napoca!
Ce poate fi mai tentant pentru Alfie, puiul de aligator, decât un fursec? Hmm… Două fursecuri?
Cum să faci ca mama să ți le dea poate fi însă o mare problemă. Costumarea în inspector de fursecuri, agățatul lor cu undița, desenatul lor pe hârtie nu duc la rezultatul dorit. Soluția găsită de Alfie pentru a primi un fursec abia scos din cuptor o puteți afla dacă citiți cartea, ce vă așteaptă să o împrumutați la American Corner Cluj-Napoca!
At night, when we dream, who takes us on his wings to the dreamland? A bear, a fox, a bird, a tiger, a moth – special creatures that carry the children’s dreams. The little book “Dream Animals” uncovers this nocturnal mystery through some very beautiful illustrations, with rhymes in English.
Noaptea, când visăm, cine ne poartă pe aripile sale spre tărâmul viselor? Un urs, o vulpe, o pasăre, un tigru, o molie – creaturi deosebite ce transportă visele copiilor. Cărticica ‟Dream Animals” dezvăluie acest mister nocturn prin ilustrații foarte frumos realizate, în versuri, în limba engleză.
Of course, you’ve been naughty many times, and your parents scolded you for that.
Max has a feeling for mean things and, being sent to bed without eating, he lets his imagination run wild. Thus, he reaches a faraway land, with plenty of frightening wild creatures, which, being scared by his courage, made him their king.
Does Max return home or stay with the fierce creatures? Find out the end of the story by reading the book that waits for you at the American Corner Cluj-Napoca!
Desigur, de multe ori ați făcut năzbâtii, iar părinții v-au certat pentru asta.
Max e pornit pe răutăți și, fiind trimis la culcare fără să mănânce, își dă frâu liber imaginației. Ajunge astfel pe un tărâm îndepărtat, plin de sălbăticiuni care de care mai înfricoșătoare, ce îl fac regele lor după ce se sperie de curajul său.
Se întoarce Max acasă sau rămâne alături de fioroasele creaturi? Aflați finalul poveștii citind cartea ce vă așteaptă la American Corner Cluj-Napoca!
Have you ever asked yourselves why the Moon is so bright? Did you know that the Moon was once a spaceship? Or that there lives the “Man in the Moon”, who is guarding the Earth children?… Continue reading ““The Man in the Moon”, by William Joyce”→